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The "Julia Allert" brand has entered in fashion with the slogan "Breaking the rules", the brand has managed to break the patterns, put the personality...


Julia Allert Boutique

Moldova, Republic of



Julia Allert Boutique

Moldova, Republic of

The "Julia Allert" brand has entered in fashion with the slogan "Breaking the rules", the brand has managed to break the patterns, put the personality in order to be appreciated and successful. “JULIA ALLERT” is a European designer brand of women’s clothing created by a designer from Moldova. The checked geometric shape, laconic palette, expressive graphics of details. The coordinated capsule assortment of blouses, trousers, dresses, jackets, coats and accessories: bags, glasses, belts, creates a complete and memorable image. This is the image of calm confidence, inner balance and independence. We use premium fabrics and accessories from well-known European manufacturers for the production of collection. Core product is femininity in modern interpretation.

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